To Quit or Not To Quit — The War of Dreams

Sumit Karmakar
4 min readJan 27, 2021


Are you struggling with your inner self? Do you have your own goals but you are burdened by the dreams of your parents? If yes, then through this article we will discuss the war of dreams that a kid goes through.

Since childhood, it has always been imprinted on our minds that we should never give up. We have always been taught that we should try our level best and fight until our last breath to achieve our goals. But nobody ever told us that sometimes it is okay to give up, to fall, and to start from the beginning. This article mentions the situations or circumstances in which we should think to give up and start in a better way to achieve our goal.

The purpose of this article is not to influence someone to give up on their goals if they fail to achieve them, but to explain such moments of life where falling back and starting again seem to be the best choice.You should try to analyze your mistakes, weaknesses, and other reasons for your failure and ask yourself am I really meant for this task? If your answer is yes then rectify your mistakes and if the answer is no then quit that task. You can use your energy in pursuing other tasks or goals. This article is divided into two important phases of life, which are career and relationships. These decide how a person’s life will be shaped in the future. Let us discuss these one by one:


In an era where parents dream of making their kids doctors, engineers, or IAS officers, what if their children have some other dream or passion? Now, if the kids will sacrifice their own goal to fulfill their parent’s dream then they are termed as “being intelligent”. But what if a kid wants to become a writer and his parents want him to become a doctor? Here he is stuck between his goal and his parent’s dreams? What if he fails to clear the medical entrance exam even after studying meticulously for years? Now, this is where the formula of giving up or quitting will come into application. In this circumstance, the best option for that kid will be to give up on his parent’s dream and start pursuing his own goal. This is because he never had a knack for becoming a doctor. His mind was always stuck on becoming a writer.

So, there will be always a sheer possibility of him clearing the medical entrance exam as he will not be able to prepare with full focus, and what if even, he clears? He could never be happy because he wanted to be something else.

So as long as we fail to achieve our own dream, it will not be an issue. This is because at that time our inner self will automatically motivate us to work harder in pursuit of our dream. But if we are fulfilling someone else’s dream then we must self-introspect ourselves if we are happy with our decisions or not. If yes then we must continue and if no then we must quit.


The relationship is an important phase of our life. Many times, the decisions that we take can make us happy or unhappy. They can also reflect our mental and physical health. This is because all the things are interconnected in this phase. Let us take an example of marriage. If our decision is correct and we choose our right partner then automatically we will always be happy. When we will be happy, it ensures that our mental health is good. When we will be mentally good then we will automatically remain physically fit. So, when does the giving up formula apply in relationships? The application in this phase is comparatively easy. When we see that our partner has rejected us, then no doubt we should try to convince, but if ‘every time’ you have to bow down to your partner and request them to stay with you then remember it is time to quit and move on. We must remember that no one is so busy in their life that they can’t manage to spend some time talking to you. It is all about priority. A relationship is a two-sided process. So, whenever you realize that your relationship is one-sided then you must understand that it is time to quit.

In the end, our life is too short to fulfill some other’s dreams, to feel guilty about our failures, and to cry about our conditions. So why not give up all those guilt feelings and commitments of living someone else’s life, and start your own journey where you will be meeting only your own expectations and goals.

P.S. - Unlike movies, “the giving up” or “quitting” formula used in this article does not mean to end your life but it means that when you are failing multiple times in a particular task then instead of wasting more time you should pause for a moment and analyze yourself.



Sumit Karmakar

An aspiring writer trying to get some fame in this writing world.