Sumit Karmakar
5 min readFeb 2, 2021


Sometimes unexpected things and times give us some important life lessons. This article talks about all those things that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us.

The year 2020 was indeed a tough and sorrowful year for everyone. Many people succumbed to the outbreak of the deadly virus. There were miseries spread all around the world. But this darkness gave all of us some valuable positive lessons. This article explains all those life lessons that we got from the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. The World is Interconnected

We always thought that this world is different for everyone living in different countries, following own cultures, and customs. We often have identity issues and fights over various disparities. But COVID-19 has taught us that this world is interconnected and we all are human beings at first. So we must live with love and harmony. Within few months of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China, it has spread to all the countries in the world. Afterward, despite several differences, people from different countries have to come together to combat this virus. We fought as a whole human community against this pandemic.

2. Social Interaction is Necessary for Human Beings: COVID-19 has taught us that we need each other in every phase of life. We are social beings, so we need interaction regularly. Many types of research have shown that several people have gone through severe depression or other phycological issues in the long period of lockdown because of loneliness and cut out from social life. Even many studies show that divorce rates and breakups were higher in this pandemic and lockdown period. The actual reason for the spike of the rates is still unknown but experts suggest that the psychological impact that the pandemic has put on every individual may be an answer to the reason.

3. Be Grateful toward your Life: We often keep on complaining about our life and remain ignorant about the blessings of life. Many times we keep on comparing our life to others and become sad when we see that we don’t have everything. COVID-19 has taught everyone that we must always remain grateful for our life. Life is too short to keep complaining about it. It is a precious gift of God and we must embrace it wholeheartedly. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring and how long we are going to live. Many people have lost their lives in this pandemic. So be grateful that you are alive today and live your life full of enthusiasm and joy.

4. Humanity and Goodness exist even in times of Darkness: The world was covered in a sky of darkness all around during the pandemic. Many people lost their jobs, poor people were unable to maintain their livelihood, health, and other frontline workers became frustrated by serving covid affected people 24/7. Even PPE kits, masks, and sanitizers were in a shortage in the initial phase of the pandemic. But even in those tough times, suddenly a ray of brightness cropped up in the form of humanity and goodness. Many restaurants and other local grocery shops were distributing free food to needy people. Many industries started making PPE kits, masks, and sanitizers and made them available in an abundant quantity not only to the health workers but everyone. Even many individuals and NGOs came forward to help the needy. So the pandemic made us realized that no matter how bad the situation becomes, humanity will always stay alive.

5. Human Beings are Adaptive to Lifestyle Changes: Another positive side that the pandemic has brought in front of us is, we all are very adaptive in nature.No matter how good or bad a situation is, we as human beings always adapt ourselves to changing circumstances. In the initial stage of the pandemic and lockdown period, everything seemed strange. But soon this phase became a new normal and everyone became used to this new way of life.

6. Family Time: Everyone of us became so busy with our work and life that we forgot to spend some quality time with our family. COVID-19 pandemic brought a small pause in everyone’s life and made everyone realize that family should be our topmost priority in our life. During the lockdown period, every one of us got to spend quality time with our families which were somewhere missing from our life.

7. Impact on Environment: Due to the restrictions on the movement of humans and suspension of several economic and social activities, air and water pollution has been reduced to a significant level. The world also witnessed several other positive environmental changes starting from a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases to bringing back wildlife to normal.

8. Work from home: The pandemic has shown another positive side that it is possible to work from the comfort of your home and earn your livelihood. The post-pandemic phase may even bring a significant change because many people have liked the “work from home” formula and may even want to continue this further.

9. Vocal for Local: During this pandemic time, the import of goods was stopped. Even the import relations with several countries were strained during the pandemic. It is only then that India decided to become self-reliant and started focusing on its own manufactured goods. This made the slogan “Vocal for local” popular in this difficult time and people became more conscious about the indigenous goods.

10. Personal Growth: The lockdown phase allowed everyone to learn all the things they wanted to learn for a long time but did not have sufficient time. Be it enrolling oneself into some online courses like content writing, public speaking, digital marketing, or learning something on our own, many people have used this opportunity of free time to the fullest extent.

11. Creativity: The creativity of people was seen at its peak during this pandemic and lockdown. Whether it was showcasing individual talents like dancing, singing, or acting in social media, or following or creating a particular trend like dalgona coffee, people left no stone unturned to show their creative side.

12. Importance of health and hygiene: COVID-19 has again made us remember the importance of health and hygiene in our life. People had become a bit reluctant in terms of health and hygiene but with the emergence of the coronavirus in the play, now people have become more conscious about their health and hygiene. Be it washing hands with sanitizers for 20 seconds or putting a mask on the face while going outside. People are now treading with caution to keep themselves hygienic.

So this article explained all those valuable lessons from the pandemic that we must take note of. Be it on personal growth or the importance of health and hygiene, the pandemic has touched every aspect of life and gave us such teachings that we must endure a lifetime. Do share your experience and lessons you have learned during the pandemic and lockdown period in the comment section.



Sumit Karmakar

An aspiring writer trying to get some fame in this writing world.