Internet — a Boon or a Bane?

Sumit Karmakar
4 min readFeb 3, 2021


Today, we live in a society where it seems that the internet has become our backbone. We can’t even imagine a day without the internet. But a question arises- Is the internet a boon or a bane? This article will examine the pros and cons of the internet and try to find out its solutions.

If we talk about any field, we can see how the internet is playing a crucial role. There was a time when the internet was not invented. Then, the style of work was different in comparison to today’s way of working in the presence of the internet. This gap before and after the invention of the internet is what made the internet come to the frontline of debate that whether the internet is a blessing or a curse. Now as you all know that this topic is not a new one and there are already many explanations put forwarded by different people regarding the good and evil side of the internet. But this article will try to give the positive and negative side of using the internet most comprehensively and straightforwardly.

Now, in my opinion, the internet is a boon. We must thank the person who thought of this genius idea and made this a reality. Now why the internet is a boon can be understood by its advantages which are explained below-

· Advantages

As the internet is easily accessible in this era, our life has been upgraded to a significant level. This is because the internet connects everyone globally. A person sitting in India can share his ideas or attend a conference with people from any country. This makes the internet so important in the present and the future, where, robotics, 5G, and AI are the latest inventions, and maybe, more such inventions are yet to come. The internet is also playing a crucial role in other fields such as E-commerce, banking, shopping, entertainment amid covid times, work from home, education from home, electronic newspapers, and magazines. Because of this, every individual has the opportunity to showcase his ideas, talents, and vision to the whole world. The internet acts as a wonder for the students and all other aspiring learners to study and learn from any corner of the learning platform. Today because of the internet, there are millions of websites that provide various E- materials from which students can learn and fulfill their dreams. If we talk about India then there are many apps like Unacademy, grade up, study IQ from where students can learn anything and everything. When we talk about business, healthcare, defense, science, and technology, etc then there also we can see that the Internet is playing a vital role. Many entrepreneurs are starting their journey with the help of online apps or websites and that is possible only because of the internet.

But as every coin has two sides. The Internet has its disadvantages too which are explained below.

· Disadvantages

Earlier when there were no internet people were very curious and hardworking in every aspect. This can be explained with the help of the following example. Before the internet’s invention, when a student was asked to submit a research work or an assignment then they would go through various books in the library and prepare their assignments. This gave them an insight into the facts about their subject. But these days, this assignment is done by the students in the blink of an eye with help of the internet. Therefore, there is no learning and knowledge gain.

Also, it is seen in the families these days that instead of talking to each other everyone prefers to be on their mobile phones even if they are sitting together. This is a con one should ponder as using the internet increases our screen time and puts a bad effect on the eyes. With more development comes more usage, which can sometimes be harmful to ourselves. Also, the disadvantages like cybercrimes, hacking, fraud, scamming, etc cannot be neglected in the downside factor of the internet. Another negative side of the internet is its addiction. Parents give the gadgets in the hands of the children so early, making them a ‘couch potato’. The presence of the internet has allowed the children and the students in getting access to watch the pornographic videos and violent images that are surfing on the internet and eventually they get addicted to it. In the long run, it affects their mental as well as physical health.

To conclude, everything on this planet has both positive and negative effects. It depends upon us how we use things. If we can restrict ourselves from watching ‘bad’ things on the internet, wasting unnecessary time surfing then we will see the internet as an aiding factor for us and if we can’t control it then it will become a scourge for us. Remember, if you are determined and optimistic in your life then nothing can distract you from your goal and you will be able to use every little thing on this planet in your favor.



Sumit Karmakar

An aspiring writer trying to get some fame in this writing world.