8 Practical Ways to be Smarter than Others

Sumit Karmakar
4 min readFeb 2, 2021


In today’s world, everyone admires intelligent and smart people. In many fields of life, more than external appearance, it is the personality of an individual that attracts more attention. But how to be more intelligent and smarter than others and enhance our personality? This article explains the best ways through which one can find the answer to the above question.

Although some people are born smart and quick-witted, scientific studies have shown that one can develop the brain cells in the later stage of their life also and become clever. This process is called neurogenesis. The world is a huge ocean of knowledge and only those people can go ahead who can dive and explore the aura of this ocean. This article explains the best practical and scientific ways through which one can open the doors of cognition and become smarter than others. These ways are discussed below–

1. Reading — There are innumerable benefits of reading daily. Researches have shown that reading increases cognitive capacity. This includes improved concentration and acquisition of knowledge, information, and reasoning. When we are reading regularly, we are gaining a lot of ideas. This enhances our mental horizon and keeps us ahead in any social conversation. This is because we will have more ideas to share than any other people.

2. Visiting New Places-

Visiting new places brings in front of us a whole new environment where we meet new people, customs, language, and food habits. We get to learn so many new things while traveling. Most importantly, we learn to be more creative because whenever we visit a new place we get a whole new atmosphere. So every time we try to adapt ourselves to our surroundings, we are flexing our brain cells to be more productive and creative.

3.Exercise Daily

Daily exercise increases the volume of the hippocampus in our body. This promotes the growth of neurons and boosts brain structure and functions. Exercising also involves the release of dopamine hormone which gives us pleasure and fresh feeling and also helps us to counter stress and depression. Also, regular exercise helps us to keep a good physique which can boost our confidence significantly.

3. Meditation

Not only for becoming more intelligent or smart, but meditation is also a necessary part of everyone’s life irrespective of their goals. We all are in such a huge rush in this today’s competitive world that we often forget that just like our body, our mind also needs a rest or refreshment so that we could work more effectively. Meditation does this job. Meditation assists us in increasing self-awareness, patience, and tolerance, managing stress, reducing negative emotions, and promotes emotional health. So we must meditate daily and in return, we will get a bundle of benefits. Then automatically, we will become smart and stay ahead of others.


We should connect with new people and make friends as many as possible. The more we connect with people, the better we will learn about this world. We cannot learn everything by locking ourselves inside a room. We should go out and gain practical experiences. We could join a gym or a sports team or enroll ourselves in any kind of club or community to socialize with new people regularly.

5.Communication Skills.

No matter how hardworking we are, if we are lacking communication skills we cannot progress much. Such skills help in creating better relationships, increases engagement improves productivity, and enhances personality. So everyone should try to improve their communication skills to the best extent possible.

6. Learn a Musical Instrument

Learning a musical instrument helps strengthen the brain and improves memory, reading, and analytical skills. Playing music also helps to keep us happy and remove stress and depression. Besides, learning and playing a musical instrument helps us to impress and connect with many new people. Thus it promotes socialization and boosts confidence.

7. A Well Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet that includes some brain-booster foods like almonds, avocado, nuts, etc. can help to keep your mind at peak condition. Other foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids (fatty fish, flaxseeds, seaweed), flavonoids (berries, tea, soybeans), and Vitamin K (kale, spinach, collards) must also be included in our diet. This is because all these foods are rich in nutrients that enhance our brain function.

8. Podcasts and TED Talks

Instead of spending our leisure time gossiping or something unnecessary things, we should listen to podcasts and TED Talks. This is because listening to podcasts and TED Talks makes us aware of the life of successful persons. We get to learn about their success strategies, failures, and life lessons that made them what they are today. Podcasts and TED Talks can also give us a motivational boost in our lives and inspire us in making our right career decisions.

All the steps mentioned in this article are practical and scientifically proven. The only thing we have to do now is that to incorporate the above-mentioned habits or skills into our daily routine. If we are consistent enough in maintaining all these habits then we will be able to see changes in ourselves within a few months. So we must manage our time wisely and follow all the necessary steps that are asked in this article. All the best!



Sumit Karmakar

An aspiring writer trying to get some fame in this writing world.